Cross-Cultural Communication Training

You must have traveled the world; some travel after college, and some go abroad several times a year for a holiday, work, or business. And as a 21st-century person, you are probably an expert in operating advanced technologies which provide a virtual experience of life in other countries and cultures.

The feeling is that the world is small, and you know it well.

Therefore, when living abroad or working with companies and organizations across borders, there is a tendency to think everything will be fine. 

You believe that you understand the foreign country’s culture, are efficient in team development and management, are a skillful negotiator, and are excellent in solving conflicts.

But then Reality Hits-

You fail to decode the local culture. You do not understand delicate messages.

As a result, you unconsciously make cultural mistakes and do not achieve the desired results; You dread having to explain to your bosses and the head office why you are failing.


You are trying to build social connections with colleagues, neighbors, and parents of kids from your children’s schools but receive a cold shoulder and feel outcast and lonely.

Indeed, the world is small, and technology provides us with a great deal of knowledge. Still, it is not a replacement for a deep understanding of the new culture where you live, of the people and organizations you work with, do businesses, and collaborate on projects.

One of the most critical requirements for relocation success – in daily life, work, and business – is developing intercultural intelligence (CQ) combined with a comprehensive understanding of the local culture and acquiring skills that will help you have more control over how you communicate.

The earlier you develop cross-cultural competencies, the easier it will be for you to feel confident and avoid misunderstandings and confusion, which will help you to save money and time in achieving your goals.

Therefore, as part of our cross-cultural services and in response to this fundamental need, we offer Cross-Cultural training (to individuals and couples), which focus on developing vital intercultural communication skills

As part of the training, we will work on the following:

  • Types of culture and its importance.
  • What is Intercultural Intelligence (CQ)?
  • Clarification of your cultural uniqueness, your value system, and what motivates you
  • How do others perceive you, and what unconscious messages do you pass on?
  • An overview of the culture and values ​​of the foreign country. 
  • How to bridge the cultural gap, understand the messages and prevent conflicts.
  • Understanding the differences in areas such as – time perception, decision making, management, diversity, equity, and inclusion – (DEI)
  • Provide practical tools, simulations, exercises

Duration of the training:

2-3 face-to-face or zoom sessions


To find out more:

  1. Contact us through the website
  2. Send an email to
  3. Call or send a message on WhatsApp – 972-54-2201005

The training sessions are held face-to-face or via Zoom, depending on your location and preference